Wednesday, 11 May 2016

11th of the Month - To the friends of bygone days...

Hello People of the abyss!

I love Deadpool

It's not an astonishing fact that we make friends, we keep them for some years, and then we inevitably drift apart. Some might have been our best buddies, some "fair weather friends", or just acquaintances you got connected to. Life took them away, maybe even death. Sometimes distance separates us, or we just stopped putting in the effort for the friendship to be sustained. Many times it happens because of some mistakes we make. But eventually, many people leave our side in life, and that's okay. Because there are many more people you can find to fill the gap. They might not be the same as the ones you had, but they'll be different, and that's fun.

I've had my fair share of friends in life till now, many came, many went back. But somehow I've retained myself through the whole process.

For me, the best kind of experience with people is when both parties are accepting of the new person. I've been around people who blatantly ignored my presence and made me feel like an outsider; and fortunately I've been around angelic folks who acted as if they were my best friends from the first time they met me.

Here's looking at you, current besties (Source)

I admit, I'll be a bit quiet in the first 30 minutes or so of meeting you, but after that, I'm a riot! (based on actual reviews).
And I have had enough people walk out of my life that it doesn't worry me much when it looks like certain people are on their way out. I say "Room for more!"


All I have to say to the friends of olden days, is -  Thank you, for your presence, it taught me more about friendship; and more thanks for your absence, it taught me more about life.


Stay Awesome \m/

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Tuesday, 3 May 2016

On Coexistence

Hello Peeps of the Internet!

After careful contemplation I have come across this fact that as humans we are going against our  natural structure as a race and doing something we most certainly should be doing the opposite of. In other words - we are working towards staying apart, when we should be living together as a unit. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you know the world should be ALWAYS at peace blah blah blah, I'm not that naive.
That's not happening anytime soon...(Source)

But where we should be making things easier, we complicate them further. An accidental scratch on someone's car becomes the cause for a full on MMA fight. I'm watching things escalate too quickly and it's laughable for the most part. Like, Seriously?

And I think this happens more during the frustrating times, like on a hot summer day, or a rainy day with no sunlight. You can clearly see these people with their misplaced anger shouting at the unfortunate person on the receiving side of the battle.

As humans, we've lost the primal instinct of "giving a damn" or in other words, caring about someone other than yourself. Regardless of caste, creed, job title, status, hierarchy, etc., as human beings, we should be more considerate to the feelings of others. The world is so beyond us now that we can't figure out which beggar is "real" and which one is just a front for a major drug scheme.

(Source) Hmmm.....

So in this topsy turvy environment, one thing we can do is become caring without expectation. Not like "Nooo he didn't do that for me", or "there's no way she'll be able to top that! So why should I go the extra mile?" Do it! Not for yourself, or the other person, but for someone else who will be watching. People do learn by watching you know. Especially the young ones. Let there be more good in this world, there are enough of those who want to blow it up. Let's live together, cohabit, coexist.

Don't make me shake good sense into you!

Some (many) may think this post is too out there. Guess what? This is my rant and I don't care if you don't find it appealing. I'm just tired of people with their "me time". Get some "we time" in there too for Dumbledore's sake. You didn't fall out of the sky to be "unique". You're ONE OF US.

Even cats and dogs can do things together!

Stay Awesome \m/

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