Thursday, 25 February 2016


I drift away like a leaf in the river. And I like it. I am a wisp of cotton, riding on the wings of the wind and going God knows where... But this wandering is what keeps me alive. I was never built for routine. Randomness is what keeps me going.


Many people like me are not as lucky as I am, and there are many who are much more fortunate than I am. The choices you can make in your life without having to face any questions or restrictions are truly yours. But there is a cost which comes with them. If you succeed, well and good. But if you fail, you have no one to blame but yourself and the people around you will make sure you blame yourself to the point of self destruction.

So what's the point?

I have always valued failure more than success because to succeed is final. But when you fail, you know that there is something more to be done. And then life goes on. A purpose to exist is always at hand when you have a few failures in life.
Even drifting aimlessly has its perks. You are able to weave an unimaginable pattern, because you don't know how it ends. So you won't know until you are over and then the pattern will be complete. And because you won't be finished, the pattern will always go on, as does life.
The journey is what makes life all the more awesome. Reaching the destination just to set out again. A respite from the voyage. But ultimately we all need to pack and leave for the next place. We the Wanderers.


Stay Awesome \m/

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Friday, 12 February 2016


It seems like a pretty cool number; looks like two skinny people standing, a couple. 
In sports, there are eleven team members in soccer (football, if you’re British), cricket, and hockey.

In Hollywood, three films -- Ben-Hur (1959), Titanic (1997), and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) -- have each won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture of their respective years.

On the Flag of Canada, the maple leaf has eleven points.

It is so important that it has its own Wikipedia page!

Of course all of this information is irrelevant to why I am talking about it now. Or is it? Hmmm...

This New Year has been great, but not on this blog. Also, I have had a poor blog performance which I will try to better this year. The question was, how do I do that?
After randomly ranting yesterday, I figured, “Well, 11 seems a pretty good day to do stuff, why not write something on the 11th of every month!”

So here’s the deal, every 11th of every month, there will be a mandatory new post on this blog. Whoever reads it will get... I don’t know what. But I’ll try to make the posts interesting and read-worthy.
This obviously doesn’t mean that there won’t be posts on other days, but they will count as bonus!

One more 11 fact – I am 22, which is 11 x 2!  Teehee  


Stay awesome \m/

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Thursday, 11 February 2016

An Essay on Selflessness and the Poison called ‘Anger’

What is happiness?

Some find it in the way they look in a certain dress, some find it in the sky and the beauty of nature, but some people find joy in the happiness of others. Being selflessly there for someone just because your presence matters to them even a little bit brings happiness to these wonderful people. I am happy to say that I am one of these people. I may be selfish in some aspects and kind of on this front as well. I get happy when the people I care about are happy, that’s a bit selfish, I guess.

And this is why I am baffled when people act all high and mighty in comparison to others. I recently observed the people around me have this type of an attitude; where they would choose to skip a gathering just because they were either snubbed or are still angry about something which may or may not have actually happened with the invitees. Long story short, these people don’t show up for important functions and the hosts are left feeling morose.

I have a question for these people. What do you think you’ll achieve by doing such a thing? Who do you think looks bad after such an event takes place? The one who is taking ‘revenge’ or the one who is waiting for your arrival like a child waits for its parents in the evening. I hope most of you would think the first one would be the most stupidly selfish person.

Is anger really that important? Have you not learned that all of life is an act of letting go? Here, I must clarify – I am against forgetting exceptionally devilish acts which cause irreparable damage. But one must consider the consequences of holding on to one’s anger for a ridiculously long amount of time. I for one cannot stay angry at a person for long. It is a useless toxic emotion which should be kicked out from the soul as soon as possible.  Happiness is what I strive for; it will always be my ultimate goal. With you, or without you.

So here’s the bottom line – You will never benefit from snubbing someone else in return, because you will keep the stupid hate cycle going, which is good for nobody. So get up and go make up with that friend, relative, companion, colleague, or anybody else who is mad at you, or vice versa.   
And please, always try and be there for someone who cares for you and will have even a little bit of joy in their lives if you’re there.  You’ll feel awesome doing that, trust me.

Stay awesome \m/

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